Monday, July 13, 2009 | 6:58 PM | 0 Comments

We have finallly finish our proposal for the Felica THINGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
personally, i think that the code is not as easy as what i thought before...
code and code and code...........and we are encounting problem... how how how...
maybe a fairy should come and save us!!!!!!!!!!!
we need a LIFT programing FREAK!!!
personally, i think that the code is not as easy as what i thought before...
code and code and code...........and we are encounting problem... how how how...
maybe a fairy should come and save us!!!!!!!!!!!
we need a LIFT programing FREAK!!!
how can we do the GUI in eclipse?
what code should we type?
when can we finish this assignment ?
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
the lift!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009 | 6:29 PM | 0 Comments

on last week we were doing our lab on testing the lift writing some code to enable the light to on and also when press the button it will stop on the destinated place.
on this lab, i have learn about FELICA , which is a smart card system created by sony, as now our ez link contains a RFID tag and each ID is unique

♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
Sunday, May 17, 2009 | 1:36 AM | 0 Comments

this is the exciter..LOOK LIKE MUSHROOM!!!

this is the land reciver also look like a router..LOL
this is the tags
ok..let me blog about the long pratical we had last week..its about 4 hours de lesson...introducing to us AEROSCOUT.. in this pratical we have learn about few thing like t2 tags, Land Reciever(LR), Acess point,tag activator, wireless bridge, exciter and etc..
during this pratical we learn to track people movement using the tag.. it also introduce an aeroscout engine to help us locate it..
we also learn the 3 ways of asset location which is real time location, presence and choke point..
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
Thursday, May 7, 2009 | 12:43 AM | 0 Comments


IN general, its a unique identification code that is stored in a chip on a RFID tags as a products goes through a supply chain and its often called as the "Next Generation Bar Code".Its was created AUTO-ID Center that was eventual successor to the bar code.
The information is not directly store inside the code but the code serve as a reference of networked places/ internet based or so called a "ADDRESS" for the computer to find information on the internet.
EPC consist of manufacture identifier, product identifier and a item serial number. its was designed to uniquely identifiy each item manufactured or produced by sale.

[[HOW TO READ 96 bit EPC]]
* HEADER-8 bits
*MANUFACTURER- 24 bits or 16 million+ uniques IDs
*PRODUCT SERIAL NO.( SKU)- 24 bits or 16 million+ unique IDs
*SERIAL NUMBER- 40 bits or 1 million+ IDs
The 3rd Party which is the SKU/ Product serial code allow every encounter item to unique identified.
[[ EPCgobal]]
Its a non profit joint venture sett by Uniform Code Council, which licenses the EPC technologies developed by the Auto-ID Center and the EAN International. its is conside a umberlla prganisation that overseea local chapeter that will work with companies to encourage the adoption of technologies
[[Initial Benefits of EPC]]
the biggest benefits of this will be the cutting down of cost in the supply chain
[[WHY EPC Important]]
it could dramatically improve the efficiency within the supply chain. the vision of it was to create a nearly perfect supply chian visibility which was to clearly track or check every item anywhere in the supply chain securly in the real time and with the help of RFID it would also highly reduce human error. Intsead of scanning or typing the item can communicate directly in the inventory system.
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
2nd week lesson
Sunday, May 3, 2009 | 12:35 AM | 0 Comments

ok let me blog about what have i learn in the lesson on RFID in last week...
according to walmarts 29 week reseach on the store with RFID and store without RFID, it found that with RFID store replenishe three time faster than others furthermire walmart also saw 10% reduction in manual orders which also means a reduction of excess inventory.
* its tag contain read-write option which means data stored on a RFID can be modified by autorised users, there isnt any limits of data storage however barcode are restricted to 50 bytes and it can be reuse again and again.
*can read numerous tags at a goal and there isnt any tight controls of where RFID should be positioned unlike barcode labels, the only requirement is that the tag must be within the fields og the reader and should not block by metal or water.
*RFID technology are currently used as a asset, doucment and software tracking.
*in tracking assets it able to greatly reduce the loss or misplacement of goods ,minimise shrinkage and provide additional security for tagged item.
* by implementing RFID its help cost reduction, improve efficiency and better visiblity of products.
* increase productivity
* reduce REWORK
however there is cons on RFID
[[RFID Disadvantages]]
*Vulnerable to damage in water, static discharge or high power magnetic surges like lighning strikes may damage the tags
*Unread tag when there is mutiple reading there maybe times when some tag would not be read and there isnt any method to define this as the object is not in sight.
*Due to RFID is still consider as a new technology , a company will need to pay lots of money to implement this technology.
*Tags may not read well if there is metal or liuid object in between the reader
*RFID is not line of sight technology therefore there is still security concerns.
*RFID work similar to cell phone as it need signal to transmit, if there is poor signal there might be poor read rate occur.
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
★1st Week Lesson On RFID★
Saturday, April 25, 2009 | 8:41 PM | 0 Comments

Ok let me now talk about one of the module i need to learn on this sememster, RFID which also know as Radio Frequency Identification which use radio frequency waves to transmite unique signal to the tag reader.
The infrastructure of a RFID
[[A RFID tag]]
[[A RFID reader]]
[[A Predefined format of its information]]
The Core Elements of the RFID Tag
In general, a metal coil that recieves radio frequency waves from the reader. its constructions usually varies and depends on the tag itself and the frequency it operate on.Low frequency tags usually use on coils of wires whereas high frequency tags usually prints woth conducting inks
[[Intergrated Circuit]]
Its is a IC tag the recieve and release information and have some forms of processing capability.
[[The Memory]]
As what it means it is to store memory.
Passive tags-- usually small in size and get all of its power from the signal sent by the interrogator therefore its does not need any batteries and hence it is more cheaper.
Active tags--Consist not only batteries but also some kind of transmittor on the tag and hence it is larger in size and more expensive.
Semi Passive( Batteries Assisted)--its the combination of both passive and active, its provide a big advantages as the tag does not dependent on the strength of the carrier from the interrogator to power the power when it needs too and furthermore there is also the power from the batteries and hence it is able to work in greater distances.
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs
Monday, April 20, 2009 | 11:19 PM | 0 Comments
blah blah blah
♥ WhatEverMyNameIs